The Re-Deck

Anne’s Review: Either I am really really lousy at editing, or you are super adept at succinct and pretty prose. Anyway, I don’t see even one small edit that would improve this piece one bit (one of my faves, btw)! ****************$***************** Rule #1 for decorating your space is:  don’t listen…

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Tee’s Review:  It took great courage on your part to tackle the handsome locks of your husband.  You must have secretly worried that the haircut would strip him of his manly abilities, like Sampson.  But, apparently, Delilah, he’s the same hunk, brewing mead, turning bowls and moving and assembling furniture…

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Story Time

Shelley’s Review:  Through stories we can journey to another time, another place, another person’s life.  And who the hell doesn’t want to escape right about now?  It’s a perfect time for storytelling by Cheryl. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Yesterday a fire-breathing dragon landed in our front yard.  We were admiring it’s rippling, iridescent…

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Dear Friend

Jennifer’s Review: Cheryl had a rough couple of months this spring, but after a slow start she got a pretty good routine going which eventually led to a return of the circus.  Most excellent!  I felt her pain, her whoa, annoyance at dirty foot prints and the opening of the…

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How You Doing?

Chelsea’s Review:  This post reminds us that all it takes is more intention behind a few simple words to find the community we so desperately need right now, and maybe the introduction to a new hobby or two. <><<><><><><><><><><> Let’s face it.  It’s been around for a while now.  That…

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Exhuming Shakespeare

Carol H’s Review: In these COVID-19 days, perhaps these musings might have crossed The Bard of Avon’s mind…In this brave new world, all our yesterday’s have departed in one fell swoop. As good luck would have it, my fellow Bard Perry and her merry troupe step forth to provide mirth…

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Deus ex Machina

Through the strange workings of life, the universe and Douglas Adams, I find myself writing a blog about…well, you know by now! We have reached the magnificent milestone of 1 year of posting stories. That our first anniversary arrived during a historic pandemic makes this accomplishment all the more salient….

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What Zarathustra Said

Tamsen’s review: Nothing new under the sun. Same as it ever was. But somehow, everything has changed… especially grocery shopping! ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ▪ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ I’m pointing a finger at Nietzsche.  Eternal recurrence, a philosophy he embraced through the character…

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Coping at the Cabana

Gina’s Review:  I think these ideas are the perfect “recipe” for coping with our tough times.  Look out Helen Mirren, you’ve got some competition. On the last morning of week 4 during our Asheville isolation, I woke up to a dark room and the low rumble of armored tanks crossing…

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