Category: Uncategorized
Laundry Day
Less is More But Not Really
The Birds and the Bees
Water–No Water
Week One – The most extraordinary weather =================== & =================== Employing a shop vac is an efficient way to suck up water where it’s not wanted. In the case of the floating Hobbit House, our basement seemed to be attracting water molecules like bees to nectar. It was coming down…
=========================== @ =========================== Well, I never. Never thougt I’d be here. Turning sixty-eight. For some reason it sounds like eons of time past sixty-seven. I traveled through the beginning of this birthday decade with nary a thought to the signifigance of the numbers. There’s no getting around it now with…
The Tao of Tidy
++++++++++++++++@++++++++++++++++ Every once in a while, I experience a deep dislocation of the the psyche. I like neatness, tidily-stored possessions, orderly and easily found stuff. But when things get out of hand and I’m plagued by massive disorder and a disturbing disequilibrium, I tend to rally for the cause–that being…
Boone in June
Rocky Road
Summer’s Here!
Laundry Day
Less is More But Not Really
The Birds and the Bees
Water–No Water

Week One – The most extraordinary weather =================== & =================== Employing a shop vac is an efficient way to suck up water where it’s not wanted. In the case of the floating Hobbit House, our basement seemed to be attracting water molecules like bees to nectar. It was coming down…

=========================== @ =========================== Well, I never. Never thougt I’d be here. Turning sixty-eight. For some reason it sounds like eons of time past sixty-seven. I traveled through the beginning of this birthday decade with nary a thought to the signifigance of the numbers. There’s no getting around it now with…
The Tao of Tidy

++++++++++++++++@++++++++++++++++ Every once in a while, I experience a deep dislocation of the the psyche. I like neatness, tidily-stored possessions, orderly and easily found stuff. But when things get out of hand and I’m plagued by massive disorder and a disturbing disequilibrium, I tend to rally for the cause–that being…