Letters From the Home Front

—————–#####################—————– Writing letters has become unfashionable, passé, archaic. This form of communication has been replaced by a telephone in one’s pocket, often spoken or tersely texted. Via email if one needs to be verbose. How will our biographies ever be written? Imagine the details of Gandhi’s life recorded from such…

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Here’s to Your Health

=======================+======================= Once again, it is “Check Your Meds Day.” The yearly visit, paid for and heartily endorsed by Medicare, to the primary care physician to make sure I am still alive. Each year I visit, I extoll the virtues of my lifestyle just before I pull out the list of…

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Eclipse This

It was meant to be the event of a lifetime. In our house, there was consideration over the best possible spot to set up the telescope for seeing what is called totality, where the body of the moon covers the entire sun. Atmospheric charts were consulted to determine which U.S….

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