What’s Bugging Me

Gina’s Review:  We’ve all had experiences with unwanted pests in our living spaces.  Read this blog to learn some really interesting removal methods! There’s always a shock at finding a large insect in your home, where you least expect it.  When I moved to Texas, I had just such an…

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The Back Half

Robert’s review:  I know I just read a great story about the fun of getting old, and I’m supposed to do a review about it, but I can’t seem to recall the details of it just right now. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ▪ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞∞…

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Carol H’s Review:  Life has become wildly unprecedented in these COVID days.  Fearless narrator Cheryl leads the way in sharing how she meets them, nonetheless, with her trademark zest for living and creative aplomb! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I finally received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.  I felt a general achiness…

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My Life in Pie

Chelsea’s Review:  Now I know you can’t strong arm pie, you just need enough resources to gently will it into being. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ▪ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ My mom could be described as a functional cook during my growing up years. …

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This Ain’t No HGTV

Anne’s Review:  Your blog needs ‘no renovations’. Take heart—there’s a Prince or Princess Worksalot out there somewhere!  ][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][ People tend to hate rejection.  It makes us feel like we are “less than” that which doesn’t get rejected.  We wonder if we somehow gave offence, had bad breath, didn’t measure up…

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Puncture Junction

Maurice’s Review:  I’ve always admired Cheryl’s gift of gab. Now I’m happy she has the gift of a jab (or two). Thanks again for including me in this fun writing project. )()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()( The man who was waiting to administer my vaccine informed me he was a student nurse and the…

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Waiting for The Go

Tee’s Review:   Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines, grab a box of your favored adult diapers, and head now to Alaska, Mississippi, or Idaho where anyone over 16 can get a vaccine right now. )(–)(–)( One chilly, late-winter afternoon, Cheryl drove to the park to meet her good friend Evelyn. …

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Skilled Nonproductivity

I wanted to title this story The Fine Art of Doing Nothing, but I realized that even if I’m sitting and staring at a wall, I’m doing something.  Is nothing even a definable word when paired with doing?  Ah, my good friends at Merriam-Webster were able to fill this void…

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The Three of February

Robert’s review: Good things come in threes they say, and this month has been no exception.  So, enjoy this wonderful review of February and I will try to think what the other two good things were. >< February has been a cold month here at the Hobbit House, despite those…

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