Help Me!

Ruth’ Review: Thank you for this delightful narrative of how to maybe meet folks at self-help seminars. ________________________________________________________________ Asheville is a laid-back town.  A love-the-world, pot-smoking, vegetable-eating, dog-loving, hippie-looking, mountain-hiking, alternative-medicine kind of town.  Most people here do yoga or tai chi.  I do both yoga and tai chi! With…

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It’s All Working Out Just Fine

Tamsen’s Review:  An honest, chuckle-inducing saga that is all too relatable for those of us on a fitness journey. __________________________________________________________ Why do we work out at the gym?  To exercise and stay healthy.  To train for that marathon.  To offset our sedentary jobs.  To keep the slow creep of general…

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Sandra’s Review: Sandra has been rendered speechless after reading this post. _______________________ Disclaimer: I am in no way trained or qualified to give personal advice. This fact has never stopped me from doing so. However, if you really need professional help, there are tons of people who are licensed, certified…

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The Bus Stops Here

Kristi’s Review:  The Bus Stops Here is a short piece of humorous fiction with heart, in which the author, who I would ride the bus with any day, charmed me with descriptions of characters I’d like to meet. The bus door opened and a middle-aged woman settled herself into the…

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Welcome to Shangri La

Carol H’s Review:  Ethel’s gutsy verve, Julie Andrews’ Sound of Music sweeping mountain vistas, and Hannibal Lector’s ominous basement hideaway–what’s next?  Can’t wait to discover what creative musings bubble up from this eclectic cauldron of thought. Our first night in our new town was distinguished by the midnight arrival of…

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It Takes a Hurricane

M’s Review:  Nice story of your survival of the hurricane. Although you actually lost nothing material to the storm, the stress and fear forced you out of your home and into a new adventure. Fire, flood, crime, illness.  Any of these disasters could lead you to scraping the black slime…

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Living with Ethel

Maurice’s review:  My life would be more interesting if I could be a fly on the forehead of one of those circus performers who live in Cheryl’s head. When I decided to write a blog, I was looking for a job in a new town where I was completely unknown…

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