Weird Snow Day

I’ve heard native Alaskans have several words for snow.  They’ve seen so much of the stuff they can ascertain subtle differences in the quality of those bits of white coming from the sky.  We in the lower 48, might be able to tell powdery snow (good for skiing) from wet…

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Paid Time Off

:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: As life gets busy again, I find myself in need of a temporary respite from the generative process. I’m not sure if this is the result of two years of not being very busy outside the home or if I have shifted in priorities. Going out and being among…

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Call Me Updated

I’ve been trying to get my IRS identity PIN number so we can file our taxes online.  The people at the IRS are, at this moment, laughing at their desks over the antics of frustrated taxpayers.  At least over the angst of this flummoxed citizen.  The gyrations one must go…

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Saving Time

Being a pragmatic person, I love saving things.  I admire Dr. Who for saving the universe time and time again.  I get all excited when I save money.  Sometimes I even save the day when I show up at an opportune moment with a wad of cash saved some time…

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Testing 1 2 3

### I took a COVID test this morning.  It was one of those home-test kits we got for free and stashed in a closet for future use.  My throat was sore when I woke up and I’d had a runny nose the previous morning.  A runny nose is my usual…

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La Avenida

They say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  Followed by a bazillion more steps, leading to foot pain and locking hip joints.  I added that second part.  I’ve been taking more of my journeys by foot these days despite my body’s protestations.  When my friend…

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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ As the saying goes, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.  Sadly, the fat lady died last week, gasping out her last breath.  This leaves the over-ness of the plague somewhat ambiguous.  Or just plain old subjective.   Is it possible that the worst is behind us?  Can I…

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The Year So Far

<– <– <– <– Some time in February –> –> –> –> From my studio window, I can see the mountain to the west of our neighborhood and the stark nakedness of the trees.  A large pine, still in its green glory, borders the edge of the pane, leaving me…

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My WaterLoo

Robert’s Review:  Bathroom woes: The Never-Ending Story of The Good, The Badand The Ugly, that takes True Grit to clean but still ends up looking like Apocalypse Now. I sigh as I enter my bathroom to brush my teeth after breakfast.  I put my contacts in after I showered, so…

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