I hope you enjoy this story by guest writer Shelly Mozlin. Shelly is a member of the Asheville Women Writers Cooperative and likes weird stuff. She’s an avid cyclist who never gets lost in the woods or in any alternate universe…unless she wants to. ========== # ========== When was the…
Paint and I do not get along. First, I am mess-averse. Paint is a sloppy medium which surpasses all mediums except maybe making sculptures out of trash. In that case, you need to accumulate a pile of junk somewhere in your house in order to pick and choose what items…
———————–) ยง (———————– I’m taking a writing class through the UNC College for Seniors (aka OLLI). Writing a Legacy Letter is about leaving a little something behind for your descendants without all the hassle of composing the totality of life that is your memoir–and having to do all that annoying…
################## ~ ################## I’ve never been the rebel type. I was a people-pleasing, rule-follower for most of my childhood. Yet rebellion seemed to be hard-wired into me. In first grade I was sent to the coat closet (more like a hallway with hooks) because I was talking too much in…