My husband and I have been sending our dog Mindy to our pet sitter’s house one weekend a month in order to get her used to the idea that we may wish to take a vacation without her sometime. After about four months of this, it suddenly dawned on us…
When the visiting rabbi said, “Focus on the bagel and not the hole,” we all chuckled. Quietly, of course, we were grownups in church. We knew exactly what he meant. Savor what is at hand. Enjoy what you have and don’t dwell on what you don’t have. I think of…
Today I offer you a couple of little stories from the Ethel archives. I enjoy writing down almost every thing that pops into my head. This is a useful trait as sometimes I can incorporate these delightful anecdotes into a longer piece for the blog. Then there are these thoughts…
At 5 in the afternoon on Thursday, I was silently resting in Savasana (aka Corpse Pose), serenely allowing the tension in my muscles to drift downward into the floor below me, when I suddenly bolted upright. I’d missed my library book club meeting! After 30 years of practicing yoga, I…